IHRD Educational Verlfication for IHRD courses done in IHRD 

It is informed that the educational verification in IHRD head quarters is done only afterthe payment of Required fees (Fee for soft copy of report by email:  Rs. 708/- per candidate. (ie Rs. 600 + 18% GST  ) Fee for Hard copy of report by post within India:   Rs. 774 /-  per candidate. (ie Rs. 650 + 18% GST  ) for the courses conducted by IHRD viz PGDCA / DDTOA / DCA/ PGDAE / CCLISc etc" lt is noticed that alot of requests with and without fees for verification for UG/PG courses are receiving at this end.Since as per the rules the GST should be remitted before the 20th of the every succeeding month and for all the payment including those of wrongly paid GST is to be remitted. Also difficulty isarising in the case of refund of the fees for want of details such as acccunt number, Branchname IFSC code etc.

Hence it is informed that all the parties who has applied for verification of UG/PG courseswith fees are directed to forward a formal letter mentioning the remittance details, Bank name,Branch, IFSC etc for refund of wrongly fees paid. Also it is informed that tlre balance fees willonly be refunded after the payment of GST and bank service charges.

Education verification of Students
Important Notice:

It has come to the notice that several requests for education verification of students attended UG/PG programme of Universities and other agencies are received at IHRD head quarters.    In this circumstance,  it is clarified that IHRD will issue education verification reports for the certificates issued by Director, IHRD, only.(courses like PGDCA/ PGDAE/DDTOA/DCA/CCLIS etc.)    For all other courses, the applicants shall directly contact the Principal of the Institution, where the candidate has studied the course or the Certificate issuing authority for education verification.  Please note that, any request for education verification wrongly forwarded to IHRD headquarters will be summarily rejected and no refund will be made for the fee paid, if any.


The format for Student verification request is given below.  Any request received not in the prescribed format or without processing fee(Fee for soft copy of report by email: Rs. 708 /- per candidate. (ie Rs. 600 + 18% GST ) will be summarily rejected.


Application for Student Verification of IHRD Courses